Welding Schools in Hampton Roads


If you have been thinking about a career in the ever-growing field of welding, you may want to consider a few things before you begin your journey. Although welding jobs can be plentiful in the Hampton Roads area, you first need to research reputable and highly rated welding schools to begin your education and training. Let’s take a look at exactly what that means and how you can find the perfect welding school for you.

Looking For Welding Schools In Hampton Roads

One of the first things you want to do to begin your quest for the right welding school is to ask some professional welders in your area where they received their training, or if they have any recommendations for schools in the area. You can also research the number of recent graduates from the schools that were employed in the Hampton Roads area. You can even ask potential future employers where they find their employees and what schools they like to hire graduates from.

What Should You Learn at Welding School?

This isn’t a trick question. Your education should focus on welding, with hands-on labs and the addition to professional and business skills. When you get your education, you should know not only critical welding skills, but service management, communication skills, and much more. You want your education to prepare you for a career, not a job.

What If you Are Military?

Hampton Roads is a military-friendly area and many of our service personnel want to build their homes here. Many welding schools accept military credits and the GI Bill to help you get through school. Discuss your military status with someone at the school to get the bigger picture on where that particular institution stands on helping out those who have served our country. Schools rated Best for Vets and Military Friendly are a great place to start.

Location, Location, Location

Hampton Roads can be difficult to traverse, even if you have your own vehicle. Be sure you have a campus you can reach and make sure you leave for class early if you need to get through the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel or travel on I-64 or I-264. Having multiple campus locations to pick from can be extremely helpful when it comes to getting to class on time and making sure you leave only after you have everything you want to do finished.

Look for that Something Extra Special

When you commit yourself to a welding school you want to make sure it’s the right fit for you. Look for friendly and helpful admissions counselors who help you through the process and give you all of the information you need to make your decision. When you tour the school look for instructors who want to do their best to help your succeed. Look for an emphasis in hands-on education and integrity in everything their students accomplish.

Are You Ready for a Career in Welding?

If you are looking for all of these things and more, consider Advanced Technology Institute. Offering a  Associate in Occupational Science Degree in Maritime Welding Technology with Service Management, ATI could help you jumpstart your career in welding in Hampton Roads. For more information, or to sign up today, connect with us right now.